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Regular price $37.65 USD
Regular price Sale price $37.65 USD
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Bunker Outer Shell, Turnout Gear & PPE cleaner.

Versitol removes smoke residue from all washable fabrics and surfaces including Kevlar®, Nomex®, duck, nylon, PBI, Hypalon®, Nitrile rubber and fiberglass.

Today’s modern turnout gear is the principle barrier between the firefighter and extreme danger! Toxic residues and dangerously combustible hydrocarbon deposits become embedded in the fabric of the turnout and pose a constant threat to the firefighter as long as they remain.

Heavy hydrocarbon deposits can absorb as much as 30% more radiant heat as clean, light colored turnouts!

Versitol was constructed with consideration to the manufacturers of the specialized fibers used in turnouts. It was designed using safe, effective chelates, sequestriants and surfactants which, when used in a routine maintenance program, will reduce or eliminate much of the visible hydrocarbons and the toxins contained therein. Versitol can restore most of the garment’s original properties designed to protect the professional firefighter.​

Versitol is a highly effective yet gentle multi-purpose cleaner that is safe for all automatic washing machines.

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